What We Do

OAI provides professional consulting services to government organizations, UN agencies, academia, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector.

Our experts couple diverse work experiences as scientists, engineers, and senior managers with exceptional educational backgrounds and contacts throughout the United States and the globe. OAI employs highly skilled scientists, technicians, management and administrators. OAI experts have carried out ocean, fisheries, and management consulting projects throughout the world.


Our mission is to provide expertise and experience in technical science, program and project management, strategic planning, professional and technical support services and stakeholder engagement in order to help our clients address environmental issues and develop innovative and flexible solutions.

Research and Field Operations

  • Scientific project planning and implementation
  • Feasibility studies
  • Climate change impacts
  • Small boat operation, coordination and maintenance
  • Fish tagging (active and passive) at a production level
  • Aquatic husbandry/culturist and research aquarium operation and maintenance
  • Laboratory safety and management protocol development and implementation
  • Hatchery vs wild salmon rearing data collection and analysis
  • Facilitation of dam removal decisions among water users, communities, and fishery advocates
  • Marine mammal and sea turtle stranding response, biopsy, analysis, and stock assessment
  • Field, seagoing, aerial and SCUBA survey planning and execution in remote locations
  • Biological, chemical and environmental sample collection, transport, curation and analysis
  • Hormone and DNA extractions and analyses
  • Veterinary services including capture, handling, measuring, tagging, and necropsies
  • Social and economic impact analyses
  • Data quality assurance and validation
  • Literature reviews
  • Technical writing, including reports, manuscripts, and presentations
  • GIS, aerial photo, and remote sensing – data collection, equipment deployment and maintenance

Technology and Innovation

  • Video surveillance technology implementation
  • Acoustic monitoring technology design, testing and implementation (active and passive)
  • Fish passage design, development and engineering
  • Remote sensing technology development and survey support
  • Numerical and statistical analyses
  • Data validation, calibration, analyses
  • Model building, validation, review, evaluation, and maintenance
  • Development of GIS data products
  • IT supporting including SQL programming
  • Web-based data product development
  • Database development, analysis, and evaluation

Program and Project Management

  • Program and project strategic planning including evaluations and budgeting
  • Development of conservation, mitigation, restoration and recovery action plans
  • Domestic and international meeting and conference coordination support services
  • Automate and maintain Vessel Monitoring System processes
  • Education and outreach activities for stakeholders and K-12 audiences
  • Coordination and facilitation with external stakeholders and tribal, State, and Federal entities
  • Training and workshop development and facilitation
  • All levels of administrative and acquisition office support
  • Communications
  • Stakeholder outreach and engagement
  • Website development and maintenance
  • General administrative and office support

Policy and Regulatory Support

  • Policy objective development, analysis, review, and evaluation development and support for ESA, MMPA, MSFCMA, CERCLA, CWA, and NEPA
  • International policy evaluation/analysis
  • Policy enforcement
  • Responding to and tracking of FOIA requests
  • Natural resource damage assessments
  • ESA Section 7 consultations and Section 10 permitting
  • Permitting support


Photo Library Included
OAI owns an extensive portfolio of environmental and technology pictures, mostly focused on our water heritage and its use. These include photos of oceans, coasts, lakes and rivers, lighthouses, boats, seaplanes, commercial and recreational fishing, zoos, aquariums, technologies, and coastal plants and animals. Free access to high resolution versions of these photos for use in illustrating our projects is offered to our customers. A small portion of these can be viewed at http://www.OceansArt.us and at http://www.TechnologySite.org.