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GSA Schedule Contracts

There are many ways to do business with OAI. The following is a list of our active GSA contract vehicles. These may also be used by states and cities. We have many IDIQ and BPA contracts that may be suitable. We will assist in finding a way!

GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS)
Woman Owned Small Business

Professional Services Schedule (PSS)
Period of Performance: Sep. 7, 2004 – Sep. 6, 2024
Contract Number: GS-10F-0567P
Information Technology (IT) Professional Services
Period of Performance: Apr. 15, 2023 – Apr. 14, 2027
Contract Number: GS-35F-372GA

Ordering Procedures

Authorized Users

GSA Professional Services Schedule (PSS) (Previously 00CORP)
Business Size: Woman Owned Small Business
Period of Performance: September 7, 2004 – September 6, 2024

Contract Number: GS-10F-0567P

Category Description
541330ENG Engineering Services
541370GIS Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Services
541611 Management and Financial Consulting, Acquisition and Grants Management Support, and Business Program and Project Management Services
541620 Environmental Consulting Services
611430 Professional and Management Development Training
OLM Order Level Materials (OLM) - OLMs include direct materials, subcontracts for supplies and incidental services for which there is not a labor category specified in the FSS contract, other direct costs, and indirect costs. OLMs are purchased under the authority of the FSS Program and are not β€œopen market items.” Can be used for up to 1/3 of contract value.
The Professional Services Schedule is a streamlined procurement vehicle for federal agencies and entities and some state and local governments to obtain professional services from vendors that have been pre-qualified by GSA. Mandated contracting requirements -- competition, pricing, small business rules, etc. - have already been completed. Federal customers can go directly to our catalog of services and price list by clicking here (GS-10F-0567P).



GSA IT Professional Services (Previously GSA Schedule 70)
Business Size – Woman Owned Small Business
Period of Performance – April 15, 2023 – April 14, 2027
Contract Number: GS-35F-372GA


Information Technology (IT) Professional Services
  • FPDS Code D301 IT Facility Operation and Maintenance
  • FPDS Code D302 IT Systems Development Services
  • FPDS Code D306 IT Systems Analysis Services
  • FPDS Code D307 Automated Information Systems Design and Integration Services
  • FPDS Code D308 Programming Services
  • FPDS Code D310 IT Backup and Security Services
  • FPDS Code D311 IT Data Conversion Services
  • FPDS Code D316 IT Network Management Services
  • FPDS Code D317 Automated News Services, Data Services, or Other Information Services
  • FPDS Code D399 Other Information Technology Services, Not Elsewhere Classified

Ancillary Supplies and/or Services
Order Level Materials

The Information Technology (IT) Schedule provides agencies with direct access to commercial experts who can thoroughly address the needs of the Government IT Community. The GSA IT Schedule allows for choice, flexibility, ease of use, and access to the highest quality of IT services and solutions. Customers can go directly to our catalog of services and price list by clicking here GS-35F-372GA.

To request a quote, everything can be handled on-line at the GSA Advantage Welcome Page, following the link to e-Buy. It is also perfectly fine to send us (fax or e-mail) a RFQ with a Statement of Work.





GSA Advantage

Ordering Procedures in Brief
(Detailed ordering guidelines are found in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 8.4.  See also the GSA Buyer's Guide (e-Buy for Buyers) presentation for a step-by-step overview. These are summarized below..
Under the $10,000 (increased to $20,000 under the emergency declaration) Micro-purchase Threshold:
• Prepare a Statement of Work (SOW). The Contract Officer (CO) or GSA micro-purchase cardholders may order from any schedule contractor deemed to be fair and reasonable. Competitive bids are not needed. This may be useful for unplanned trips or unplanned work where a 5 minute credit card payment is more efficient than doing a contract mod. The link below is active and allows immediate purchase. Just send us an email to ensure we know your wishes. We can have someone working within a couple hours.

Over the Micro-purchase Threshold, but under the Simplified Acquisition Threshold $250,000(increased to $750,000 under the emergency declaration):

  1. Program Staff provide the Contract Officer (CO) with a SOW including a description of the work required, a schedule, and the location for delivery and inspection of the work.
  2. Consider reasonably available information about the supply or service offered under GSA MAS contracts by surveying at least three schedule contractors (but only one bid needs to be submitted) through the GSA Advantage! on-line shopping service, by reviewing the catalogs or pricelists of at least three schedule contractors, or by requesting quotations from at least three schedule contractors.
  3. When a buyer, such as a program official, does not have authority to make an award, they can forward the RFQ, with the quotes received, to the CO so the award can be made quickly using eBuy or the Agency system.
  4. Program staff and the CO review the responses and rates received to determine the best value, looking beyond lowest price to, for example, delivery, training required, and past performance.
  5. The CO issues a purchase order (or through eBuy) to the selectee using their GSA contract.

Over the Simplified Acquisition Threshold: Labor Hour and BPAs

  1. Program Staff provide the CO with a SOW including a description of the work required, a schedule, and the location for delivery and inspection of the work.
  2. The CO or Program Staff will issue a Request for Quotation (RFQ) containing the SOW to sufficient Schedule holders on the appropriate Category of the 00CORP Schedule so that at least three bids are received. If less than 3 are received, justification showing the effort made to obtain sufficient bids and must be included with the documentation (See FAR 8.4). The best mechanism for this process is E-buy on www.gsaadvantage.gov where all correspondence is electronic, thus speeding up the process significantly.
  3. When a buyer, such as a program official, does not have authority to make an award, they can forward the RFQ, with the quotes received, to the CO so the award can be made quickly using eBuy or the Agency system.
  4. Program staff and the CO review the responses and rates received to determine the best value, looking beyond lowest price to, for example, delivery, training required, and past performance.
    5. The CO issues a purchase order (or through eBuy) to the selectee using their GSA contract.
The total time can range from 2 days to 2 weeks, depending on the CO's familiarity with GSA Schedule contracting and internal agency requirements.

For additional information on accessing the GSA Federal Supply Schedules, go to the GSA Advantage! Web site at http://www.gsa.gov/portal/content/197465

Consider a BPA. Blanket Purchase Agreements are useful when there is a need for a wide variety of items, but the exact items, quantities and delivery requirements are not known in advance. A BPA reduces the administrative burden of writing numerous purchase orders. BPAs are easy to use, about the same as the basic RFQ, are flexible, with no maximum limits on orders, and can be a nationwide contracting vehicle.

Orders over the Maximum Order Threshold (Schedule 00CORP: $1 Million; Schedule 70: $500,000):
• Follow the above procedure for orders over $150,000.
• Try to receive more than three quotes.
• Seek price reductions from GSA Schedule Prices.
• Place your order with the contractor offering the "Best Value."

Who Can Use These Contracts?

The following agencies and activities may use contracts under the GSA Federal Supply Service (FSS) Multiple Award Schedule:

  • All federal agencies and activities in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.
  • Government contractors authorized in writing by a federal agency per 48 CFR 51.1.
  • Mixed ownership government corporations (as defined in the Government Corporation Control Act).
  • The District of Columbia government.
  • Other activities and organizations authorized by statute or regulation to use GSA as a supply source.
  • State and local governments under certain conditions.